A current favorite protein-packed cheese of Dr. Oswald, burrata, is a fresh cheese similar to mozzarella, but creamy on the inside. In this video Dr. Oswald describes a version of her veggie noodle recipe, and then shows a cooking demonstration of the recipe from…
When Saturday activities don’t go as planned, or a trip to the grocery results in a fender-bender, do you find yourself resisting the unexpected or going with the flow? This segment, by Dr. Oswald, is a good reminder on how to pivot with grace.…
There are a number of positive effects that floating can have, not only on your physical body, but also on your mental state. Not familiar with the practice? In this segment, Dr. Oswald will walk you through the process so all you need to…
Meditation is the best way to remove yourself from the events of the day and the chatter of your mind, and get in touch with your insightful self. Also, regular practice of meditation is shown to change the physiology of your brain… Listen to…
Dr. Oswald is greeting us today from Cape D’or in Nova Scotia, and has been inspired by the weather outside her window. It reminded her of a concept from Pema Chodron – You are the sky; everything else is the weather. When events in…