Browsing Tag

healing response

Lemon Immune Booster
Nutrition Wellness

7 Immune Boosters

A healthy body is dependent on a strong immune system. There are many ways to give your immune system a boost this season, not just by avoiding bad habits and excessive stress, but by adding in some of these 7 foods that will naturally…

Connecting Mood Movement Nutrition Wellness

Creating a Self-care Plan

The Pillars of Health for everyone include: cleansing & nourishing resting & movement solitude & fellowship. I will share with you an overview of these categories and then talk about a self-care plan.   Cleansing and Nourishing Out with the old and in with…

Mood Wellness

Foundations in Meditation

A 2007 study by the U.S. government found that nearly 9.4% of U.S. adults (over 20 million) had practiced meditation within the past 12 months, up from 7.6% (more than 15 million people) in 2002. The interest and appeal of meditation is growing, but…


An Experiment

There is so much debate about health care reform and much political posturing. The problem, from my viewpoint, is that the conceptual framework they are using for the basis of change is itself catastrophically broken. I am not really interested in health care reform.…
