What would you consider an ideal doctor visit? We are accustomed to receiving a prescription for medicine at each physician visit, but is that really going to produce the best outcome for our health? Why have a doctor’s skills become limited to diagnosing and…
This New York Times Well-Blog highlights the importance of posture from many dimensions. Research in embodied cognition shows the mind body connection goes both ways; that our posture can validate negative thoughts or emotions or remedy them. Postures that make our bodies feel smaller…
What creates and maintains health and well-being? Well, one hint is the old adage that money and fame don’t buy happiness. Research now shows that robust secure relationships with family, friends and community keeps us healthier. Loneliness is toxic. It contributes to declining health,…
To follow up on my previous post about using your diet to promote anti-inflammatory conditions in your body, I have compiled a list of which foods you should enjoy more of, and which foods to try and stay away from: EAT MORE OF THESE…
Is all food really nourishing? By definition, yes—eating food is, but the types of food you eat can nourish vastly different parts for us. We may find our 2nd piece of chocolate cake as something comforting, but what’s that food doing at a cellular…