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Mood Movement Wellness

Stretch Your Body… And Emotions

Gentle stretching creates more space in your body as well as more space in your day! How does it do this? So glad you asked! Stress can be stored in our bodies in the form of tightness in our muscles. Eventually these tightened muscles…

Connecting Movement Wellness

Lunchtime S​hort Walks

I first became fond of the lunchtime walk when working at a clinic in Wisconsin. The clinic happened to be situated adjacent to a trail that followed a scenic river for miles and the proximity made a short stroll easy and appealing. I began…

Nutrition Wellness

Beans for Protein – The Great Debate

Beans prove supreme when it comes to getting your protein! Yes I know, I just brought a highly controversial topic to the table.. but hear me out! The largest debate, when it comes to protein, is making sure you are consuming enough complete proteins,…

Nutrition Wellness

Redefining Healthcare

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of the word “healthcare”? Many of us will conjure up images of doctors offices, hospitals, medications but are these images really reflective of the true nature of that word? Why doesn’t…

Connecting Mood Wellness

Positive In, Positive Out

It only takes a smile or a positive gesture to completely brighten someone else’s day! If you don’t think your actions have an impact on someone else, you might want to reconsider! Recent studies do show that positive interventions aimed at cultivating positive feelings…
