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Integrative Pain Management

Mood Movement Wellness

Health Benefits of Floating

There are a number of positive effects that floating can have, not only on your physical body, but also on your mental state. Not familiar with the practice?  In this segment, Dr. Oswald will walk you through the process so all you need to…


Homeopathy for Pain

In today’s video, Dr. Oswald discusses 5 “pain fighter” homeopathic remedies that can be used to help with various pain situations, and symptoms to consider in order to narrow down your search for the best remedy.…

Nutrition Wellness

Dr. Oswald and Knowledge as Medicine Hit YouTube!

Dr. Oswald has recently released a YouTube channel for Knowledge as Medicine and she would love for you to take a look!  Today’s video is entitled Inflammation & The Anti-Inflammatory Diet. Each week she will be delivering a new, informative and entertaining video on…

Connecting Wellness

Salutogenesis: The Creation of Health

What would a health system look like in which health was its primary goal?  The prime focus would be to activate self-healing mechanisms of the body, and not just suppress symptoms with prescription medication. The word that best describes this novel way of looking…
